Every April one Sunday is adopted by the pinhole photography community as their day - an opportunity to slow down and see the world in a different way. This year the day coincided with the Society of Recorder Players’ National Festival, so naturally I decided to combine the two!
During our final massed playing session (some 150 musicians) I explained that I’d be going around taking photos with what looked like a wooden box and gave an idea of what the photos might look like, although I’m sure many of the players still thought I was crackers!
My friend Moira has turned into a whirl of energy as she conducts the orchestra!
Some closer shots of the players below, including a self portrait in the second one! Click on any of the images to see them larger.
John kindly allowed me to get very close as he played his contrabass. Because the instrument roots him to the same spot more than the smaller recorders he’s still recognisable in the resulting photo!
After the festival had finished I still had some film left over so I took a detour to Flatford on my way home - home of John Constable and a familiar sight through his painting ‘The Haywain’.
And finally, a quick stop at East Bergholt Church to complete the roll of film before I headed home to develop it!
Photos taken 24 April 2022