There was a time when I was a regular visitor to the British Wildlife Centre, but after a three year absence I was keen to return to see which animals would be out and about. The foxes took a little persuasion in the shape of some tasty morsels of food during the keeper’s talk, but once Ted and Basil emerged they were more than happy to loiter in front of my camera.
On the prowl…
It’s hard work being a fox, didn’t you know?! Click on any image to see it enlarged.
I think this inquisitive portrait of Basil is perhaps my favourite from the day - who could resist those eyes?
Down at the otter enclosure, more portraits awaited me, lurking by the pool or yawning in the sunshine.
I’ve never had much luck photographing the pine martens before, largely because my camera’s autofocus struggled to lock onto them behind the wire of their enclosure. My new Panasonic G9II showed just how much better the autofocus is and I was thrilled to capture this intense stare.
Down at the water vole pool the marsh frogs were showing very well and croaking in loud choruses. The first time I heard this sound was at Rainham Marshes three years ago. I couldn’t seem them then, and assumed I was hearing a flock of ducks quacking until I was told otherwise! The recording below was from that day in 2021 and gives you a glimpse of their very own frog chorus!
As Marsh Frogs call, their cheeks puff up into round balloons, which look very comical. I was able to catch this head-on view by leaning over the wall and placing my camera just above the waterline.
The cutest animals of the day were definitely the stoats, who were racing around, having tremendous fun. Catching them on camera was something of a challenge, but the feeling of satisfaction when I succeeded made it worth the effort!
Photos taken 11 April 2024