During my recent visit to Somerset I made a diversion to Weston-super-Mare to walk along the Grand Pier and take some pinhole photos. Well, that was the plan!
I arrived around 2pm and wandered along the beach from my car, making photos whenever the fancy took me.
Who knew mud could sink?!
I inadvertently walked into my own photo with this one (I’m the shadowy figure on the right) - one of the dangers of wide angle photography!
Beneath the pier, enjoying its structure.
The days are now getting longer so I figured I’d have at least an hour on the pier when I arrived there at three o’clock. Sadly that wasn’t to be. They’d already half pulled the shutters across and were actively encouraging people to leave so my stroll along the pier with a fish and chip supper to follow was not to be!
To make up for the disappointment I continued my explorations, heading out of town along the seafront, where I found some dramatic views across the harbour.
Further on I found Weston’s other pier - the Birnbeck Pier. This one has seen better days and is slowly crumbling into the sea, but somehow that made it even more photogenic!
Photos taken 2 February 2023