After a morning spent thoroughly refreshing the portfolio over on my website (you can see if here if you'd like to take a look) I wanted to get out of the house for a short walk while there was some light. I ended up in Saffron Walden where I simply followed my nose. In one of the shopping streets I found a dog tied to a post while his owner was inside one of the shops. He was shivering in the cold wind so I went over to say hello and tried to offer some warmth and a good fuss. He seemed very grateful and obligingly posed for a photo, with one paw raised in a very cute manner. Fortunately, when I passed by again half hour later he'd gone so I hope his owner had taken him somewhere warmer.
I used a daguerreotype preset for this picture - it seemed appropriate for the nostalgic look
I continued my meanderings, heading past Oliver Cromwell's former headquarters towards the church. By this stage the low winter sun was throwing some beautiful shafts of light towards the high altar. The way it was falling across the steps and ornately carved wooden gates was simply beautiful and I figured there was a photo to be found there for this week's 'shape and form' theme over on the Photoblog forum.
Finally, having checked my canine friend had been reunited with his owner I walked back towards my car. On the way I passed a new chocolate shop so I stopped off for a warming hot chocolate which was absolutely delicious!